I know what your talking about.  I sent a Pittsburg
Driving test question to the list one and they wanted
the rest of the questions and I had to explain it came
from a UNIX thing.

--- Rayna Lamb <[log in to unmask]>
> My computer told me a funny thing tonight:
> `You can't fall off the floor'
> Paul's Law
> Rayna
> BTW I'm not crazy, it really did tell me this, my
> system (Linux
> Slackware) has this neat thing
> where, when you get into the xterm thingy to give it
> commands and
> stuff, it spits out random quotes, or random bits of
> bizzare
> information.  It's very amusing!! (and excellent for
> time-wasting
> students :-)
> ..but I don't know who Paul is, maybe he is the
> little gremlin hiding
> in my computer that sniggers at me everytime I
> threaten to throw the
> %$^&$$#ing thing through the window?