Todd Moody <[log in to unmask]> wrote on 08.05.01 20:38:04:
>On Tue, 8 May 2001, Charles Alban wrote:
>> So how does this explain the fact that fasting leads to higher
>> energy levels ("exhilaration" - Atkins) ?
>I have experimented with fasting a bit, and experienced some of
>the heightened energy level effect.  But it depends on a number
>of factors, especially not having to engage in any high-intensity
>exercise.  After 24-36 hours of fasting, liver glycogen is
>depleted.  If high-intensity exertion is required, muscle
>glycogen is quickly used up, with no way to replenish it.  The
>feeling at that point is anything but exhilarating.  And of
>course, after the liver glycogen is gone, muscle must be
>cannibalized to produce the necessary glucose.  This could be
>avoided if one consumed just enough glucose to cover the debt,
>and nothing else -- which may be why some people do better with a
>modified fast including some fruit.
>Todd Moody
>[log in to unmask]

If you show your body, that you will need your muscles, when you fast,
e.g. doing sport, our body will not break down much muscles for energy. That
makes little sense in an paleo view, I think, because in food scarcity,
we  must be able to walk long periods to catch the game or to gather
something to eat.
The good feelings at a fast came from the hormone release. Itīs stress
for the body, so he releases opiates (right word?) and we are going on
a "light" trip...
Approximate the problem with anorexia patients. They get such a high
when eating nothing, so they become a real addiction with real addiction symptoms.
One problem more for therapy.

Greetings from germany
