Mr. Gomez:

Please allow me to thank you for your full explanation.
I have reached a stage of conclusion that this matter
should be laid to rest.  I concur with your sentiments
and vow to never again talk about the issue.

At times in the middle of things, people forget about
substance.  This does not necessarily mean that they
do not care.  I admire you and brother Latjor for
having the vision to hold such a symposium.

My arms are fully opened for an embrace and I wish I can
reach you from Carolina to the Nation's capital.  Please
get back to work and concentrate on issues vital to
your development.  The Gambia needs visionaries.

Our struggle to unseat the dictator of kaninlai cannot
be sidetracked.  The more we disagree, the quicker we
begin to realize that moron dictator of kaninlai is the
worst thing that has ever happened to The Gambia.

I was moved by OJ's revelation on the forth-coming
elections.  OJ to be is a person with good intentions,
though I used to despise him in trying to convince me
to join the
PPP.                                                     At this critical moment of our struggle,
our differentiation will indeed impregnate another
dirimo who happens to live in kaninlai.  While we
differ on issues critical to our nation's survival,
the stooges of denial are in a stage of tyranny.  We as
Gambians must know better.  Our initiation in this
far-reaching endeavor should be a testament that we care
about The Gambian country.

I would rather die here in the US than open an avenue
for the moron to succeed.  We are one tribe and one
Gambia.  Our relentless efforts will impregnate a
president who cares about The Gambian people.

May I conclude my asserting to dictator yahya to let my
people go?  Our dreams will become a reality.  The Gambia
is our country, and no satan can fool us.

Long live democracy and down with dictator yahya.


Comrade ML Jassey-Conteh

------Original Message------
From: "James Gomez Jr." <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: May 31, 2001 8:29:14 PM GMT
Subject: ALD Symposium comments

We knew from the start that regardless of what we do or how much we try, we will never satisfy everyone. I fully understand that and I welcome criticism. Regardless of what is said, I will not take things personally and I will continue to assist in any way possible.

Yes, some things could have been handled better. For example, Dr. Nyang had an event early that morning in Ohio and said he will TRY to be back in Washington for the symposium. Unfortunately, he never made. Mr. Baba Galleh Jollow sent me an email on Thursday, May 24, regarding his participation which I did not received until Tuesday, May 29.  The message was sent through my work email and because I was off on Thursday and Friday to work on the ALD, his email did not get to me on time. I called him this week and apologized. I also want to take this opportunity to apologize to all of you. On this, we take full responsibility and hopefully learn from this and other mistakes.

As far as the UDP is concern, I have nothing to apologize for. I appreciate Mr. Darboe's effort to get to Washington, but the party leader should take full responsibility for not participating in the symposium. When we read from the "L" that Mr. Darboe was not coming, Latjor and I called him late that evening (Wednesday, May 23) to get the facts and communicate it to every person who was looking forward to meet him. When we asked him the reason for pulling out of the event on the day and after the time he was scheduled to arrive in Washington, D.C., he told us that he was afraid to leave the country because they might forward his pending case for trial in his absence and he could be arrested when he return home for not showing up while his case was on. This was the excuse he gave us. I am not a lawyer and I will never pretend to be one.

After hearing his explanation, we then told him that all the political parties in the Gambia have confirmed their participation but the UDP. He was very surprise. It was then that he told us that he will try to get on the next available flight to the U.S. He went to Dakar on Friday, May 25 and his flight was delayed for three hours and thus delaying his arrival in Washington, D.C. I urge anybody to forward this statement to Mr. Darboe for confirmation.  Had he stuck to his first commitment, this could have been avoided.

It is true that Hon. Sajo Jallow or other top APRC leaders were not delegated to represent their party in Washington, D.C. But guess what, Hon. Jallow at least sent us a last minute letter informing us of his party representatives. Our invitation letter to PDOIS was address to Hon. Sidia Jatta and the party decided to send Mr. Halifa Sallah. Regarding the UDP, we were never given any alternation to Mr. Darboe until it was too late.  Had Mr. Darboe recommended a representative in his absence, which he never did, we would have never objected. Factoring the limited available, we did what we have to do and once again, I have nothing to apologize for.

I appreciate and enjoy reading all the comments. To those that understood what we were going through, thanks. For those of you who are still upset, disappointed or angry, I'm sure you will over come your feels and move on. The real battle for all parties is not in the U.S. or the Gambia-L, but on the ground in Gambia. The parties should focus their energy on mobilization, voter education getting out the votes and monitoring the polls come. October is around the corner and that is more vital. Once again, thanks.

James, Jr


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