This seems to be an interesting problem that I'm having....and, it pertains
to formating, reinstalling, etc.

I have a hard drive that I've formatted (after moving everything to a second
I want to reinstall a fresh system on this 4G drive, Win98 or WinME.  Since
I have formatted, I am unable to get to a place to install system software.
I'm getting a message saying "the following file is corrupt of missing" or
something like that, and it is looking for C:\Windows\system'\dblbuff.....

I've tried boot discs, booting the other drive, etc...I'm unable to load a
"clean" system on the original, formatted C:drive...In fact, I am unable to
fdisk the drive because it says there's no space available...I am really
getting confused.

I did something similar on my daughter's computer with no problems.

this computer is a 366mhz Gateway (sorry about that!)

Marshall Fortescue
> Marshall Fortescue
> Direct 603.245.2382
> SDN   8-475-2382
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