>Update on her numbers -- she called the doc and was given the full
>Total chol. - 300
>HDL - 85
>LDL - 208
>VLDL - 7
>Triglyceride - 36


The most important figure is the triglyceride/HDL ratio.  If 5 or above,
you're in trouble.  If 2, you're doin' fine.  If lower than two, you're on
top of the world.  Your mom's TRI/HDL ratio is a mere .4 so she's doing
mighty well.  Her total cholesterol is high because her HDL (good)
cholesterol is through the roof.  60 is considered the highest figure in the
normal PLUS her triglycerides are in the basement.  Being better than normal
is something to celebrate.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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