DATE:  May 23, 2001
CONTACT: Dori Zook or David Avrin 1.888.575.9898


“USDA Poisoning Americans,” Doctors Charge
Best-selling authors lob serious accusations at government
agency’s dietary recommendations

BOULDER, CO – “The federal Government is poisoning the American people with
their dietary recommendations.” That dire warning is being issued by diet
experts Drs. Michael and Mary Dan Eades. Authors of the best-selling Protein
Power book series, the Eades’ are launching their accusations against the
USDA just as their latest book, Protein Power Lifeplan, hits the nation’s
bookstore shelves in paperback.

"The government has wreaked havoc on the health of Americans for a
generation with its junk-science dietary recommendations," says Michael R.
Eades, MD.  "For decades, the USDA has been preaching a dangerous ‘food
pyramid’ diet that has only served to increase diabetes, cardiovascular
disease and obesity.  If we don’t make a  rastic change, our kids will be
doomed to the same fate.”

Drs. Eades say American’s declining health is due primarily to the
overnment's continued insistence that we eat more grains and cut our fat
intake.  The Eades contend that these recommendations have had the opposite
of their intended effect.

"US fat consumption is at an all-time low, yet we're fatter than ever," Mary
Dan Eades, MD points out.  “Report after report shows that, despite the
government’s efforts, both obesity and diabetes are at record levels, yet
the government continues on the same faulty course causing needless death
and disease.  This has to stop."

Dr. Mary Dan Eades explains that humans were never designed to eat grains,
which is the foundation of the USDA’s Food Pyramid.  Grains and other
carbohydrates turn to sugar in the bloodstream, which causes insulin levels
to rise.  The Eades contend that many diseases of
modern man can be traced to insulin problems.

The well-known doctors point to the food industry’s overwhelming influence
in the USDA’s recommendations as a chief contributor to the problem.   They
site the large numbers of consumer food industry lobbyists on Capitol Hill
ensuring that the USDA promotes a diet
benefiting the industry.  Drs. Eades point to current US law, which states
that “all government agencies must promote the Food Guide Pyramid” which is
based primarily on a grain-based diet.

“Pyramids are great for dead Egyptians, but not for feeding our children,"
says Michael Eades.  “Lawmakers should leave health research and dietary
recommendations to doctors."

Mary Dan Eades goes on to say that food is the ultimate drug.

"The onset of most modern diseases can be controlled through simple dietary
changes," she says.  “Many of today’s diseases were largely unheard of
before humans turned to agriculture.”

Drs. Eades promote a high-protein, moderate fat diet that’s low in
carbohydrates. In their clinical practice they have used this emerging field
of science, known as “Paleolithic Nutrition,” to treat thousands of patients
– with great success.  The number of physicians who have
embraced this concept has gown rapidly over the past decade and numerous
clinical studies have bolstered their contentions.

To book an interview or live appearance with Drs. Michael and Mary Dan
Eades, contact Dori Zook or David Avrin at 1.888.575.9898.

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