On Tue, 22 May 2001 10:46:35 -0700, R Bartlett <[log in to unmask]>

>But herbs were lying around in nature.  Did Paleolithic cultures not use
>herbs for preventative and therapeutic reasons?  If that's the case,
>herbs/supplements were an  part of Paleolithic lifestyle/health/nutrition.

Agree for herbs and their medical/preventative use.
Not only herbs, there are many foods with very special properties.
Lemon kernels fight some parasites.
Garlic fights some infections.
I'm shure the knowledge about such special properties of various foods
played a big role when humans spread over the world.

Hm but supplementing.. supplementing means to add something
that would be missing or much too low otherwise.

If my diet doesn't contain enough zinc or vitamin C or anything
as essentially required to stay healthy --
well if I would add this in the form of pills,
I think it's the proof that my diet is one that's not paleolithic.
(or compatible to any *lithic or previous times).

They had a diet which enabled them to survive properly, healthy.
The most healthy ones were the ones who survived best and proliferated.

If we have a diet that requires synthetic add ons,
that it is not one that we have adapted to.

