>So how does this explain the fact that fasting leads to higher energy
>("exhilaration" - Atkins) ?

There are numerous sources for information on hyperinsulinemia,
hypoglycemia, etc.  A rise in energy from fasting?  Sure, but not right
away.  The body first uses the most immediate source of energy available;
glucose in the bloodstream.  Only after tapping into and depleting this
energy source does the body go after stored fat.  THAT'S when you enjoy
exhileration.  Some people feel this sooner than others.

A blood sugar crash comes after high-carb foods are ingested, how long
depending on the individual but usually within a few hours but sometimes in
as little as 30 minutes (I can attest to this personally).  You're lucky
enough not to suffer hyerinsulinemia.  Many of us on this list do, however.
I wouldn't call this curable; rather, it's controllable. If I eat the right
foods, I'm fine.  Too much of even a paleo food too high in carbohydrates
sends me to Napville post haste.  This after more than 3 years of eating a
diet low in carbs.  It's something some of us must deal with on a daily
basis.  Not that it's a big whoop, but it's something to remember 7 days a

I'm not trying to pick a fight, far from it.  But read up on
hyperinsulinimia and insulin resistance before reaching conclusions.  If I
knew of some good links I'd post them, but I don't off the top of my head.
A google.com search should work.  Good luck!

Dori Zook
Denver, CO
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