>It was so funny when I ate my first
>orange...it was like candy I felt absolutely evil!

If this is something new, go a while with no fruit at all.  Then eat, say,
just one strawberry.  It will be a good 10X sweeter than what you remember.
Eliminating sugar heightens the sensitivity of your taste buds.  As a kid I
thought apples were dull.  Now, they burst with flavor (at the risk of
sounding like a bad ad slogan).

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

(I lost in the neighborhood of 50 pounds, ended a lifetime of insomnia and
regulated my cycles by going the traditional low-carb route.  When I went
one step further and followed the Paleo principals, my need for sleep
dropped by about an hour.  My cholesterol levels are picture perfect.  I'm
eating this way for life.)

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