I have given two completely different speeches this spring.

This first one I gave Palm Sunday Weekend to Developmentally Disabled

 My  talk  tonight is how Jesus loves us as we are.  Jesus gives us peace
of mind.                                Let's began by giving each other
 the sign of peace at our tables.  Deacon Steve will now say the prayer of

     ( Steve M. will hold the book "The Crippled Lamb"  and show each page
as I tell the following story.)

      page 1
  This is the story of   the < "The Crippled Lamb."     Once upon a time in
a sunny valley , there lived a little lamb named Joshua.  He was white with
black spots , black feet, and sad eyes.  Josh felt sad when he saw the
other lambs with snow-white wool and no spots.  He felt sad when he saw the
other sheep with their moms and dads because he didn't have a mom or dad.
 But he felt the saddest when he saw the other lambs running and jumping
because he couldn't.  Josh had been born with one leg that didn't work
right.  He was crippled.  He always limped when he walked.

That's why he always watched while the other lambs ran and played.  Josh
felt sad and alone , expect when Abigail was around.  Abigail was Josh's
best friend.  She didn't look like a lamb , she was an old cow, with white
blotches that looked like rain puddles on a path.  Her belly was round like
a barrel , and her voice was always kind and friendly.  Some of Josh's
favorite hours were spent with Abigail.

 They would spend hours on the hill , looking in to the valley telling
stories.  They were good friends.  When Josh got sad, Abigail would turn to
him and say , "Don't be sad little Joshua.  God has a special place for
those who feel left out.

 Josh wanted to believe her.  But , it was hard.  Some days he just felt
alone.  He really felt alone when the shepherds decided to take the lambs
to the next valley where there was more grass.

 But , the others started laughing at him.  You're too slow slow poke to go
all the way to the next valley.   Go back.  We'll never get there if we
have to wait on you.  Go back.

Then, when Josh looked  up  and saw the shepherd standing in front of him.
 They are right my little Joshua.  You better go back.  The trip is too
long for you.  Go and spend the night in the stable.  Josh looked at the
man for a long time.

When Josh got to the top of the hill he looked down and saw all the other
sheep headed toward the green grass.  Never before had he felt so left out.
 Just then , he heard Abigail behind him.  And Abigail said what she always
said when Josh felt sad.  Slowly, the two friends turned and walked to the
stable together.

You've had a hard day.  Josh was tired.  So , he lay down on some straw and
closed his eyes.  He felt Abigail beside him and he was glad to have
Abigail as a friend.

Soon, Josh was asleep.  At first , he slept soundly, curled up against
Abigail's back.  In his sleep , he dreamed.  He dreamed of running and
jumping just like the other sheep.  He dreamed of long walks with Abigail
through the valley.  He dreamed of being in a place where he never felt
left out. Suddenly , Josh woke up.

 He woke Abigail.  They saw a dark stable with a baby lying in a feed box.
 A woman was resting on the hay beside the baby.  Josh and Abigail were

Josh limped to the woman and child.  The woman tried to keep the baby warm
in the hay.  The shepherds had taken blankets with them to the next valley.
 Josh curled up close to the baby.  The baby stopped crying and went to
sleep.  A man entered , and gave Mary, the lady, some rags.  She said ,
"The little lamb has kept the new king warm.   She told Josh that this was
Jesus.  He came from Heaven to teach us about God.

  There was another noise at the door.  It was the shepherds that saw a
bright light and heard angels singing.  They asked Josh who the baby was.

  Josh looked at the baby.  He knew this was a special child and a special
moment.  Since, he was born with a crippled leg and couldn't go with sheep
to the valley , he was the first to welcome Jesus in to the world.

Josh walked over to Abigail.  He knew God had a special plan for him.

Remember , God has a special place for each one of us.  Have you ever felt
like the crippled lamb, Joshua?  I know , I have.  I am like Josh in which
I can not walk.  I am crippled too , like Joshua, I sometimes get really
sad.  But there are people like Abigail and Steve, and a lot of you  in the
audience  tonight , that are my friends.  That is what Jesus wants us to
do.  He wants us to be friends with each other.  Jesus is our friend always
and he is always there when we need him.    He leads us and protects us.
 He gave everything to us.  The sheep gives its wool for our clothes, like
Jesus gives us love and protects us.

This one I gave to a Catholic School (Grades fourth thru eighth).  Good
Afternoon everyone!  My name is Kathy Jo Pink.  I live in Wisconsin.  I am
a good friend of Sherry Kline, one of your school cooks.  Do you know what
a disability is?  The reason that I am here today is because to help you
understand about people who have disabilities .  I was born with Cerebral
Palsy.  Cerebral means a part of the brain ,and Palsy means Jerky
Movements. Cerebral Palsy is a birth defect that can happen to anybody ,
before , during, or shortly after birth.  It can also happen to anybody ,
anytime , after a serious illness or accident.  Cerebral Palsy is not
contagious.  People who have Cerebral Palsy or any disability , can not get
rid of their disability , very easily.    Trying to understand Cerebral
Palsy is very difficult , because people who happen to have Cerebral Palsy
, do not share the same symptoms.  Some people feel locked in a body that
does not work well like a "normal body" does.  Some people that have
Cerebral Palsy walk with a slight limp.  Others have difficulties reading,
walking , getting around from place to place , hearing , and talking.   As
a result of me having Cerebral Palsy , some of the things I have
difficulties doing  are  getting around from place to place , or talk like
you do.  But , I have some special equipment to help me.   Some special
equipment that has helped me are wheelchairs , communication devices, that
I'm talking to you on , now , and computers. I graduated from high school
in 1990 and vocational school in 1992.  In vocational school I took data
entry and accounting.  After graduating from vocational school , I was
offered a job with our local telephone company , which I am presently
working.      My office is in our home.  I do about twenty to thirty
telephone books a year. The telephone books that I do are in Wisconsin ,
Minnesota , Michigan , and Iowa.  Presently, I am working on Dyersville,
Worthington, and De Witt.  Do you know where these towns are?  I am also
involved with Pennsylvania state and  Wisconsin state studying the needs of
people with disabilities.  My goal in life , is to help as many people ,
that have disabilities , as I can.  I feel that educating the public,
 about people with disabilities , what we are doing here today, is very
important.  My hobbies are using the computer , writing E Mail , cruising
the web, personalizing greeting cards, for people , and being with people
that have similar disabilities as I do , especially going to camps , like
Camp Courageous.  Do you know where Camp Courageous is?  You must accept us
for who we are.  We don't like it when people are staring at us , or when
people mock our movements.  Some of us can't help our jerky movements.  We
have feelings just like you and everybody else.  If you want to be a friend
to somebody with a disability , be their friend , but , don't be their
friend just because they have a disability.    Allow people with
disabilities do things by themselves.  If we think that we might need
assistance , we will ask for your help.  We need more accessible buildings.
 Such as automatic door openers, or that people can push something to make
doors open, bigger bathroom stalls , so people , in wheelchairs , have room
enough , and have ramps and or elevators, so that , people that are in
wheelchairs can get from floor to floor.  If you or somebody you know ,
suddenly becomes a person with a disability , you may be faced with many
additional challenges.  First , they must accept the situation that faces
them.  I , still have a lot of problems , accepting my disability.  Second
, they must have a positive attitude towards the disability.  I need to
work on this , too.  Third , you must work together , like a team , to
achieve the best of his or her ability.  Accepting that you or somebody you
know has a disability can be very difficult.  People must hold together
when a disability is  present in somebody that they know.  The next time
you meet somebody that has a disability , please show them some respect.
 Like everybody else , people with disabilities need friendship ,
encouragement , and the opportunity to learn.  I have learned that success
 , is measured , not so much by the position , that one has reached in life
,but as by , the obstacles , that one , has overcome , while trying to
succeed.  I'm here this afternoon , to tell you , that you don't , have to
settle , for what , the rest of the world , deals out to you.  But , I'm
here , to tell you , that to have a better life , you have to go after it.
  If you ever find yourself, living with a disability , you might find ,
the world you once knew , is just , inches away, but , just, out of your
reach.  Thank you!  Are there any questions?  I will be more than happy to
answer any questions you may have.