<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi, I wanted to thank all you that responded to this survey I had a great
response. I also wanted to let you know that the name of the Book I  did
the survey on was called EAT RIGHT FOR YOUR TYPE by Dr. Peter J.D'Adamo.
Several of you that answered had also read his book it is very interesting
and had a lot of information.

I had 52 people participate in this survey. Of course, there were more
people that had type 'type O' than any other blood type. 28 people had 'O'
type blood, 15 people had 'A' type blood, 8 people had 'B' type blood and
one person had 'AB' type blood. Of course 'AB' is a much less common blood
type than 'O' type is. I did have some very interesting results from they

Here are the results of 'O' type and the food allergies people reported.

Nuts............4               Beans                      Soy.........5
Dairy/cheese....16              Pork...............2       Lethicin
Eggs............4               Turkey                     Legumes.....2
MSG                             Shellfish..........5       String Beans
Aspartame                       Basil                      Beef
Spelt                           Mint                       Fish
Corn...........9                Pears                      Buckwheat
Citrus fruit...3                Potatoes............2      Goat
Nectarines                      Oranges.............2      Lamb
Plums                           Broccoli                   Raspberry
Cabbage........2                Apples                     Starches
Peas...........2                Bananas                    Mushroom
Mango                           Garlic                     Raw fruits
Coffee                          Tomatoes                   Chocolate
Dates                           Coconut                    Melon

If you notice the numbers represent the number of people who had reactions
to those products the ones without numbers mean only one person responded
having problems with that product. There are several that seem to stand
out. Of course we know dairy products seem can be a problem for people who
have celiac, however when comparing the list to type A you'll notice there
is not as many people with dairy problems or Corn. Actually, many of the
foods people listed did correspond with what the book said to avoid a few
did not.

Here are the list for type 'A'

Milk/cheese....7       Sugar                Pecans
Corn                   Sweet fruit          Fish
Soy............6       Carb.                Oranges..........2
tomatos........2       yeast.........3      Brazil Nuts
Onion..........2       Pork..........3      Pine Nuts
Beef...........4       Chicken              Pineapple
Eggs...........5       Strawberries         Cinnamon
mushrooms......2       Bananas              Peanuts...........2
Chocolate......2       green beans          shellfish
MSG                    Kiwi

There were also a few areas that stood out here as well and which the book
also was on target. One area that wasn't was Soy. 'O' type was also pretty
strong in the soy group but not as strong as A.

Here are the 'type B' results.

Dairy........5            Chocolate.........2           Pop
Eggs.........2            Carbo.                        Carrots
red meat                  Tomatoes                      Celery
nuts & Seeds......2       Onions                        Bananas
Corn                      Garlic                        Some Fruits......2
Peaches                   Caffeine

There were a couple of areas that people had in common however, we needed
more people to get a true picture.

Here are the 'type AB' results.


Since, there was only one person it is hard to know much about similarities.

According to the book if you follow the blood type diets carefully you can:

" Avoid many common viruses and infections.
  Lose weight, as your body rids itself of toxins and fats
  Fight back against life-threatening diseases such as cancer,
  cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and liver failure.
  Avoid many of the factors that cause rapid cell deterioration, thus
  slowing down the aging process." pg 33

Depending on what blood type you have the lectin activity of foods may do
the following:

" Inflame the digestive tract lining.
  Interfere with the digestive process, causing bloating.
  Slow down the rate of food metabolism, so you don't efficiently burn
  calories for energy.
  Compromise the Production of insulin.
  Upset the hormonal balance, causing water retention(edema), thyroid
  disorders, and other problems.

Each blood type has its own reactions to certain foods..."pg 39
According to the book people should eat  the Highly Beneficial foods and
the neutral food that do not cause people to gain weight or other problems.
According to the book some people have food intolerances that are not the
same thing as allergies. With these intolerances some people will not be
able to eat every food that is listed as beneficial and should remove it
from their diet.

Here are the items to avoid for type 'O':

severly restrict dairy products from your diet, corn oil,cottonseed oil,
peanut oil, safflower oil, copper beans, kidney beans, navy beans, tamarind
beans, lentils, cornmeal, avocado, cabbage, cauliflower, corn, eggplant,
mushroom,mustard greens,olives,potatoes,  brussel sprouts, alfalfa sprouts,
blackberries, coconuts, melon, oranges, plaintains, rhubarb, strawberries,
tangerines, apple juice, apple cider, cabbage, orange juice, capers,
cinnamon, cornstarch, corn syrup, nutmeg, pepper, vanilla, vinegar,
ketchup, pickles, mayo, relish, brazil, cashew, litchi, peanuts, peanut
butter, pistachios, poppy seeds, bacon,ham, pork, goose, catfish,
barracuda, cavier, conch, herring(pickled),smoked salmon,octopus. teas:
alfalfa, aloe, burdock, coltsfoot, corn silk, echinacea, gentian,
goldenseal, red clover, rhubarb, saint-Johns wort, senna, shepard's purse,
strawberry leaf, yellow dock, coffee, distilled liquor, soda, black tea

Here are the items to avoid for type 'A':

All meats except chicken, cornish hens, tukey; anchovy, barracuda,
beluga,bluefish, bluegill bass,cavier, clam, conch, crab, crayfish, eel,
flounder, frog, gray sole, haddock, hake, halibut,herring, lobster, smoked
salmon, mussels, octopus, oysters, scallop, shad, shrimp, sole, squid,
striped bass, tile fish, turtle, whole milk products and cheeses, corn oil,
cottonseed oil, peanut oil, safflower, sesame oil, brazil, cashews,
pistachios, copper beans, garbanzo, kidney beans, lima beans, navy beans,
red beans, tamarind beans, cabbage, eggplant, lima beans, mushrooms, black
olives, greek olives, spanish olives, peppers, sweet potatoes, potatoes,
tomatoes, yams, bananas, cocunut, mangoes, melon, oranges, papayas,
plaintains, rhubarb, tangerines, orange juice, papaya juice, tomato juice,
capers, plain gelatin, pepper, vinegar, wintergreen, ketchup, mayo, picles,
relish, worcestershire sauce, catnip, cayenne,corn silk, red clover,
rhbarb, yellow dock, beer, distilled liquor, seltzer water, soda, black tea

I will summarize B and AB tomarrow along with what health disorders you are
at a higher risk for. Also, this is not a scientific study it is only a
survey and should not be used as such.

Thank you Diana at [log in to unmask]