<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

WOW!!! I got so many replies to my migraine post.  It was amazing.
Thanks to everyone for all that information.

It's amazing the number of folks that suffer from migraines on this
list.  I'm not sure that some of the folks who replied actually had
migraines...as "migraine" has tended to become a generic term for any
headache.  At any rater, whatever the headache I really really
appreciate all the replies.  BTW, any headache can be quite horrible so
I hope that those who do/did suffer tension headaches don't feel I was
minimizing their plight.

I got about 60 replies and some folks said that as soon as they went
gluten free, their headaches completely disappeared.  Others said that
they felt migraine is a bit more complicated and more related to
hormones.  I know that things I've been reading indicate migraine is an
actual neurological condition and while I believe it can go into
remission, the data doesn't look horribly promising for one to ever
really be *cured*.  I'm sure there are exceptions.

Here's a little summary of the range:

* I had probably 10 people say that I should just go gluten free for a
month or two and see if it helps.  If so, then maybe try adding some
gluten and if headaches come back or get worse go gluten free and stay
that way.  -- I think it's not a bad idea and will give it some more
thought, the only *problem* per se that I have with it is it sounds
incredibly difficult to find food without gluten.  I really don't know
how you guys do it, except I know that you really have no choice...so
you do it.  I am going to attempt at least to cut back and see if that

* I had some folks say not to go gluten free until I've had tests and
been checked for sensitivity and celiac disease.  I'm not entirely sure
any tests will happen as I'd have to get the doctor to order them and
it's a little complicated.  I can't just go demand biopsies and blood
tests.  Though at my next appointment I intend to ask the doctor about
the whole wheat thing.

* The last set of folks were a few stragglers who have migraines and
apparently still have them even after going gluten-free...though they
did seem to indicate the headaches weren't as frequent now that they had
gone gluten-free.  They also felt that mostly if they did get a headache
it was because they had accidentally ingested something with gluten.

I do agree with those who said they thought migraine was more
complicated than being able to cut out a certain food and have the
headaches just be gone.  I do agree with those who said they thought
hormones played a role and there were also those who said it's a combo
of hormones and stress.

Anyway, guys...I do thank you all sooo much for the messages.  It was
awesome to hear from you.

I'm going to continue researching and I have a new prescription for a
beta-blcker (inderal) as I talked to the doctor and he felt that the
pamelor wasn't doing it's job. So I will give that a try and then try to
figure out some triggers (maybe one is wheat).  I'd hate to have to take
medication forever...though I know people do it and I'm sure there are
worse things. :/

I don't know if this means anything, but yesterday afternoon/evening I
made sure to have no wheat... and I felt pretty good this
morning...somewhat clear-headed even...though I did go out and drive and
not sure I should have as I was a bit lame-brained.  Now I have a
headache and am off to have a bath.