At 05:02 PM 4/16/01 -0400, Nancy Carreiro wrote:
>Wondering if i should start drinking more?

IMO, yes.  I dehydrate quickly and obviously, which helps, I guess :)  I've
been drinking a minimum of 2 quarts a day since I was a teenager.  When I
moved out here (higher and dryer), that minimum went up to a gallon.

Not feeling thirsty probably just means you've stopped noticing it.  My mom
was in a job that rarely allowed for breaks for years and she was
constantly dehydrated, but didn't really recognize it as such.  She even
got used to a slight headache every afternoon.  She was sure those circles
under her eyes were lack of sleep or "old age".

When she retired and started drinking water again, she was utterly amazed
at how many small complaints she'd learned to ignore that she suddenly
recognized by their absence--not to mention, she looked a lot younger once
her system got used to being "fed" water again.

who figures that "big bags of water" probably ought to at least recycle as
much of their contents as they can :)