Paul Twiana asked about choosing between a Celeron and Pentium III
processor, and received what was probably a good technical answer. My
experience, as differentiated from technical analysis, is below.

I have a computer I built with a Celeron 500 processor. It got a score of
91.9  on a bench test. I have another computer I built with a Pentium III
900 processor. It got a score of 449.9 on the same bench test. Reference
figure on bench test was 204.8 for a Pentium II 450 system. Point was
made all bench tests do not score alike. Same bench test was used for
both systems. Another bench test verified score of subject bench test.

I realize components other than processor may affect performance.
Components are listed below.

Celeron 500                             Pentium III 900
96MG RAM                                128MB RAM
6.4G Hard Drive                         40G 7200rpm Hard Drive
Pine mobo, SiS chipset                  Creative mobo, Intel chipset
SiS 8MB onboard PCI video               AOpen 8MG AGP video

The Celeron system performs satisfactorily. However the bench test score
was disappointing, particularly compared to the score of the reference
Pentium II 450.

Demetri Kolokotronis
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