Just a groan from some time in a weight-loss chat room the other day...

One of the participants was a nurse.  She and I were going round and round
(politely) on what's wrong with the SAD, etc.  Apparently, she believes in
carb reduction but considers meat pure eeeee-vee-il.  Check this out.

"Take a bite of meat, chew it up and spit it out onto a plate.  Leave it
out, uncovered, and check on it in two or three days.  THAT'S what's going
on in your stomach when you eat that stuff!"

Insert your image of me rolling my eyes.  Someone's mental slip is showing.
a) Do the same thing with soy or anything else, for that matter.  It won't
look any better.  b) What the hell does this have to do with anything?  The
chemicals in your digestive tract break down what you eat and get it where
it needs to go.  Were you sleeping during biology 101?  Sheez!  c) If all's
well, you'll get rid of that food in about 3 days, anyway.  d)  I don't know
about you, but I don't have air in my intestinal tract, at least not a
room's worth.  What, are you eating air in an attempt to lose weight?  e)
Yadda yadda yadda.

It is unreal the misinformation to which people subscribe when it comes to
weight loss.  If you don't believe me, go to a weight loss chat room.
You'll be cussing and smacking yourself on the forehead approximately every
90 seconds.  "Should I get my stomach stapled?"  "Anyone here tried the
cabbage diet?"  "No, but I lost 5 pounds this week on the soup diet!"  "You
go, girlfriend!"  Blah blah blah.

Thought you'd find it funny.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO
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