Hi Bronwen,
You are here!
Some canned fish that I like are Crown Prince brand "lightly smoked" whole
sardines (with skin and bones) packed in pure olive oil or water, available
with or without added sea salt. Also Cento makes a better-quality (not
excellent quality, but "good") canned tuna. I've never had a dried anchovy
but they sound great. Are they very salty? Could one soak out some canned
anchovies and dry them in a food dehydrator?

Zoë loves the sardines, she's been eating about 3 cans a week lately. I just
call all canned fish "tuna" and she eats whatever I give her; tuna, salmon
or sardines. I also cook up some buffalo patties, then refrigerate them. I
have them on hand when Zoë needs a snack. 26g protein and lots of iron in
those little patties! She calls them "cookies"!!

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