On Thu, 19 Apr 2001 03:27:56 -0600, lorenzo <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>:  Batmanghelidj
>This goes back to our aquatic heritage!
>More room for discussion;   I believe that for a  time my
>ancestors were aquatic!   Also it seems to me that it will
>be hard to prove as seashores destroy all evidence!

Hi Lorenzo.
Whatever you think about the aquatic heritage...
we can't drink sea water.
Enough water for the cells is the primary viewpoint if Batmanghelidj.
I think the switch to a diet of very dense items was also a path away from
water in the food. Eating fruit and vegetables (like the other primates)
provides a lot of additional water.

If we eat very dense items like cheese, meat and grains we eat a lot less of
water. The additional kidney load of a high protein diet requires even more

Last Week I talked to a raw foodist. He eats 3.5 kg fruit in the summer and
1.5 fruit in winters (the rest are nuts).
That's some 3.5 liters of water...

Now that we eat more dense stuff we have to drink the water (instead of
eating it).

Ok, heading for 1kg of salad now....

Cheers, Amadeus