Mr Dampha,

You wrote "You see, this is why I cannot take you and others seriously when
you say "minds of the people need opening up to enable them see that this
government does not deserve to be re-elected come the October and January
elections respectively". This is one of the most conceited statements one
can make."

Well, in my opinion if you cannot take the likes of me who are supposed to
be atleast educated and can communicate with you daily "seriously" thanks to
a medium such as G-L, then I don't see how you expect to communicate with
the over 85% of the Gambian populace who haven't got that opportunity. My
opinions may differ from yours and some others on the list, but I can assure
you that I also want the best for this country.

You also wrote " You can be forceful with your opinions without saying that
everyone else is stupid because he or she does not understand what you are
saying. Granted, some of our folks need enlightenment. But the
self-appointed teachers have to be well equipped and they also have to make
sure that they know more than the people they are preaching to."

I have never suggested that anybody who does not understand what I say is
stupid and if that is what my posting suggests, then I am sorry.

You again wrote "I also hope that when you said that UDP "should have made
their own effort to alleviate this problem", you did not mean to tell me
that you are recommending UDP buy the groundnuts from the farmers. If that
is what you mean, then you evince a deep lack of understanding of the
groundnut buying industry. Morons like Yaya can use that garbage, but
seemingly educated and enlightened Gambians like yourself, should know
better. Do you seriously think the Opposition can guarantee the purchase of
goods in an industry as controlled (by the government) as the groundnut
industry? Where were you when the government was setting the price for

No, I did not mean the UDP should buy groundnuts from farmers and I don't
believe in the government setting prices that cannot be honoured. What I
meant was for the UDP to try to establish a foundation that can have some
impact on the lives of the ordinary people no matter how small. This could
perhaps be also establish links with organizations and individuals who are
sympathetic to their course and get them to sponsore projects directly. A
few weeks before the by-elections, Kemeseng managed to secure, I believe 5
milling machines which he distributed not only in his constituency, but in a
neighbouring constituency as well.

On most of the other issues, I concur and thanks for bringing to attention
that it was Dr. Jaiteh who cautioned about a possible UDP defeat in Badibu.
My point was simply that if the possibility of a UDP defeat could be
comtemplated in Central Badibu were the UDP margin of victory was very
substantial, can we readily dismiss the plausibility of the APRC overturning
measely 35 vote majority?

DEBATE THAT NO VOTE BUYING TOOK PLACE. All attempted to do was to cautioned
people from being very obssessed with vote buying as if that was all to the
BUYING. My sincere appology to Dr. Jaiteh.

Bye 4Now, KB Jobe.

"There is a time in the life of every problem when it is big enough to see,
yet small enough to solve"

                  (MIKE LEAVITT)

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