Laye, I am glad you have detected Jobe's chimeric nature and deciphered his
fantasies. What he sought to do in this forum, he will never succeed in. I
will differ slightly with my good friend Mboge and say that Jobe might be
more suited for contests like 'Price is Right' and other mindless game
shows. The contestants in the 'Weakest Link' are markedly more intelligent
that Jobe. Nevertheless, I would have loved to see Jobe's exit interview as
he was voted out as 'The Weakest Link' and given a curt "Good-Bye".

This mail is mainly for our friends in the Opposition that think that it is
not worthwhile to engage Jobe. I reiterate that it is very important that we
engage the likes of Jobe. That does not mean that we are abandoning other
important issues the Opposition need to address. People like Ebrima are
doing a superb job addressing elections issues and parts of Yaya's record.
Colly is doing his thing. Sambou is doing his thing. Others are also helping
to alleviate the plight of Gambians both on G_L and elsewhere. That is a
very healthy thing. Let us leave it like that. It is arrogant for people to
tell us that discoursing with Jobe is a waste of time and we should all
duplicate Ebrima's or Colly's efforts by talking about the same things. We
in the Opposition should avoid these dictatorial tendencies. Every topic is
important to the person raising it. Let us discuss it with that person if we
want or leave him or her alone. If we feel that we have a more important
topic, no one is stopping us from bringing that topic up and discussing it
with other interested subscribers. Having said that, I believe there is
nothing wrong in someone tabling an issue and asking people to partake in
discussing that issue. But if people do not want to discuss the issue, I
feel it is wrong to criticize people for discussing some issues and leaving
others. I learnt this when I just joined G_L.

Going back to discoursing with Jobe, what people have to realize is that the
messenger here (Jobe) is irrelevant. What is disturbing and relevant is the
ideas Jobe seeks to peddle here. It is vital that we debunk these ideas and
attitudes. I am more convinced in my conviction to engage Jobe after having
certain discussions over the weekend with people that just came to the U.S.
from Gambia. Laye, it is very sad that a lot of our brothers back home has
been emasculated by the impotent (Yaya). When I spoke to this person, at
times it was like talking to Jobe live and direct. Adults back home are too
scared to think straight. Some of these people are so removed from the
atrocities back home that they make you wonder whether they live in Gambia.
This man came from Gambia just last week and I was the one to tell him about
the Indemnity Decree. This man did not even know that this was in the
offing. I had to painstakingly explain to him the implications of the Decree
and thanks to the brilliant piece of Hamjatta on forgiveness and
reconciliation, I tried to tie in how far away we are from closure on the
April Massacre. All these people can see, are their jobs, the petty luxuries
with their families, the coastal roads Yaya is building, the mansion in
Kanilai and Yaya's obsession with 'juju'. These people mystify Yaya. They
are scared of the man. In order to rationalize their fear, they search very
hard for ways to justify their loyalty to the vermin. Have you noticed how
hard Jobe is finding it to articulate why he supports Yaya? We all know that
he is scared and supports the moron because of selfish motives. Try getting
that self-evident truth out of Jobe.

It is important that we unmask the bogus justifications they give us for
their loyalty. That will help our people understand that Yaya does not
deserve anybody's support. If we allow the Jobes of this world to continue
fooling our people by touting these bogus justifications, we might as well
forget about removing Yaya through the ballot box. How can we ignore people
that go around saying that Yaya is the best thing that has ever happened to
The Gambia? How can we ignore people that would tell any type of lie to
perpetuate a child murderer? How can we ignore people that come here to
absolve Yaya of culpability for the murder of our children? I submit that we
cannot afford to ignore these people and their garbage. We have to endeavor
to ensure that our people see through this garbage. We should not allow any
intellectual rationalization for the murder and mayhem in our country.

I for one do not spare these cowardly and selfish Gambians. I engaged the
man I alluded to earlier on over the weekend. I unmasked his gullibility and
showed him how he was trying to defend the indefensible. I challenged him to
tell me why a child murderer deserves the highest honor in our country: the
privilege to lead us. I explained to him how we can do lot better if Yaya
was removed from the helm. I explained to him how those projects does not
justify the callousness Yaya visits on our people. I pointed out how 90% of
our budget came from grants and loans and how low Yaya's input was in
formulating and implementing these projects. Basically, I explained to this
gullible gentleman how Yaya does NOT deserve to lead us. Guess what? Like
the cowards they are, they do not have any conviction. The man transformed
from an avid Yaya fanatic to a devil's advocate. He said: Dampha, I am not
really a Yaya supporter. I am just playing devil's advocate in order to let
you know how Yaya supporters think. Does this silly explanation sound
familiar? These are the words from a hypocrite. When he is unchallenged, he
will sing Yaya's praises in order to safeguard that government job and that
easy life he is sure of now (as opposed to the life that might come when we
have a government change and mediocrity is eradicated). But when the pimp is
challenged and he knows that Yaya is not watching his back, he transforms
into a Yaya critic that is all for decency and the rule of law. 'I am just a
devil's advocate' with a small 'D'. Matter of fact, they are The Devil's
Advocate. We need to shield some of our good people from the message the
Jobes of this world feeds them when the Opposition is not watching.

Again, I hope other Opposition members understand where we are coming from
when we engage the Jobes of this world. Attacking Yaya's record and
preventing the peddling of lies to embellish that record, is as important
(if not more important) than duplicating the fine job other Opposition
members are doing vis-a-vis other facets of the struggle. Laye, thanks again
for your contributions.

>From: Bamba Laye Jallow <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: KB>>Re: My Reply To Kebba Jobe!
>Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 11:41:27 -0700
>I'm amused with the way you are having fun in untwining the twisted logic
>flowing out of our clown guest "Jobe". The more junk he sends in, it is
>becoming more and more obvious what his true mission is:
>- try all means necessary to portray the miscreant "DIRIMO" Yaya Jammeh to
>be the all-innocent leader of a nation in the grips of an impending
>implotion by parading all the good things 'he is doing' and downplay all
>indications of his guilt or involvement in atrocities committed against the
>- shift attention and blame unto the pawns (security forces, NAMS, aprc
>supporters..etc.)used by Yaya, literally at gun-point, to further his
>of gradual self enrichment and destruction of a peaceful society that is
>Gambia. Not mentioning all the other agendas.
>- present himself ("Jobe")as a genuine concerned Gambian civil servant who
>is interested in what is necessary to develop our country, in an attempt to
>gain the trust and sympathy of the Gambia_L audience. This will allow him
>gain a strong-hold in perpetuating his plans to the next step...take over
>the forum.
>Like you've already noted, let this clown be aware that he is not dealing
>with the likes of Yaya Jammeh in this forum. It will take you a lot of
>effort to accomplish what he has paid you to do. You owe it to your
>conscience to revisit the logic of your arguments and stop making a fool of
>yourself Mr. "Jobe".
>Abdoulie A. Jallow
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