Gambians are still being ruled by decrees. This time around the edict came
from Yaya and Joseph Joof. The rubber-stamp Assembly was just a conduit that
tried to legalize the lawlessness in our country. This so-called Indemnity
Law is merely asking us to forget the rule of law; forget that criminals
should be punished for their crimes. Instead give criminals the License to
Kill innocent and defenseless children. Criminals are being assured that
even if they blatantly violate the laws of the land and cold-blooded
massacre innocent children, they (the criminals) will be protected by Yaya
and Joseph Joof.

Joof is not even ashamed to call himself a lawyer and at the same time allow
such a repugnant law be passed to have retroactive effect. This goes against
everything Joof was thought in Britain when he obtained a scholarship from
the Jawara regime. I bet had Gambians known that this man will use his law
license in this despicable manner, they would rather sponsor a potential
doctor to go study in Britain.

Joof and the Chief Justice wasted Gambian taxpayers' money and time
partaking in a bogus and toothless Commission of Inquiry. They spent months
peddling lies to the Gambian citizens encouraging citizens to be patient
with the work the Commission was doing. We the citizens were assured that
once the Commission finished its work, justice will not just be done, it
will be seen to be done.

More than one year after the Massacre, what has happened? Joof and the Chief
Justice that were supposed to be neutral arbiters that should look into
Yaya's criminality vis-a-vis the massacre of our children, were going behind
people's back giving Yaya secret advise as to how to beat this rap. Joof and
the Chief Justice connived against the diabolical Pap Cheyassin Secka and
convinced Yaya that they (the despicable duo of Joof and the Chief Justice)
can help Yaya and his cohorts escape punishment for their crimes against
humanity. Our justice system is as rotten as it can be. We have unscrupulous
foreigners and despicable and inept Gambians manning key positions in the
justice system.

Can people now imagine how ill-advised it was to put our faith in characters
like Joseph Joof and that bogus Commission? The first time Joof was named to
that Commission, I warned the Opposition to take the man on. Joof is only
interested in self-preservation. He cares less about the justice and the
plight of the victims of the Massacre. All he is interested in is how he
will live a relatively good life with his immediate family. This man does
not even care if the husband of his sister-in-law (Hawa Sisay) gets justice
from the illegal government he (Joof) fanatically works for. If this man's
own son was murdered by Yaya, he will not dare to challenge Yaya. That is
how sick and scared these people are. They do not even want to stand up for
themselves. They have all been emasculated by Yaya (the premier impotent).
This is pathetic.

And what did Joof and the Chief Justice come up with in order to counter the
findings of THEIR OWN Commission of Inquiry? The very architects of that
bogus Commission now willingly advocate for the government and the people to
throw away the findings of the Commission. The criminals that perpetrated
the cold-blooded massacre of our children, can now continue walking the
streets of Banjul with impunity. Moreover, this piece of legislative garbage
wants these criminals to lay their minds to rest once and for all. Joseph
Joof, the Chief Justice and Yaya do not even want the criminals to be
tortured by the thought that they might be investigated. This decree wants
all investigations to stop. This decree wants to wipe out the crimes that
were committed on our children.

What Joof and the Chief Justice cannot get through the law courts, they got
through parliament. That is why I am calling this piece of thrash a Decree.
This edict sought to turn our laws upside down. Whose idea is it? Joseph
Joof and the Chief Justice. But the despicable duo just showed what poor
lawyers they are and what indecent human beings they are. The retroactive
nature of this decree evinces ill will from the government. It also shows
the contempt lawyers like Joseph Joof and the Chief Justice hold for our
laws. These people have no respect for our laws. They feel that with a moron
and a dictator like Yaya at the helm, they can come in anytime to pass
decrees that have retroactive effect and can legalize the most heinous
crimes in the book.

At one moment murder is a crime in The Gambia. The next you know, there is a
decree saying that murder is not a crime any more. Matter of fact, murderers
that committed their crimes while murder was a crime, will even go
scot-free. That is how absurd this sort of retroactive decrees are. This is
pure legalized lawlessness. Now if one acts on Yaya's orders, one can kill
children, rape women, abduct and torture Yaya's political opponents, steal
from government coffers; in short, one can commit the most heinous crimes in
the book, and rely on Joseph Joof and the rubber stamp parliament to
legalize your crime. This is anarchy. A Dictatorship. The sooner we get rid
of these animals the better.

To the criminals that have been given a false sense of security by Joseph
Joof and the Chief Justice, we ask you to enjoy your freedom while it lasts.
This decree is toilet paper. It cannot insulate anyone from criminal
activity. Those responsible for the Massacre of our children will HAVE TO
PAY for their crimes. Joof can back date decrees to time immemorial. Matter
of fact, he can even be more specific and categorically state that the
decree is meant to protect the perpetrators of the Massacre. Nothing can
protect the murderers. Joof did not have to be this elaborate in his
cover-up activities. But being the slimy character he is, he wants to make
it appear that the legislature and not the courts is rendering the criminals
scot-free. Joof knows that for the courts to render the criminals free, the
courts will at the very least conduct a facade trial. In that trial, facts
will come out that Joof and the Chief Justice do not want the citizens to
know. So, in order to avoid the revelations of the facts, Joof and the Chief
Justice passed the buck by running to the APRC rubber stamp parliament. But
we all know that Joof prepared the decree. We also know that the APRC
cronies at the parliament are so scared to think straight. The few that can
read will not dare challenge Yaya's wishes. This was signed, sealed and
delivered by Yaya, Joof and the Chief Justice.

I would love to hear how Joof is going to explain his despicable actions to
his sister-in-law and former law practice partner. Hawa must be miffed that
the lawsuit she filed for her husband (Ousman Sabally) against the
government Joof is representing, has been compromised by this decree. Hawa
by now should have realized that what Joof could not Argue against in court,
Joof have Decreed against in parliament. This is what dictators do. When
they cannot follow the law and convince people, they take the law into their
own hands and impose on people. Now the facts Hawa wanted to come out will
never come out as far as Yaya and Joseph Joof are in power. Not knowing the
full force of the Decree, I cannot advise Hawa to withdraw her suit because
all hope is lost. I will respectfully urge Hawa to talk to her
brother-in-law and ask him where Sabally's suit and potential civil suits of
other massacre victims, stand as of now. My distant  and initial reading of
the situation tells me that if the perpetrators are immunized by this
decree, they are not only insulated from jail time and hanging, they are
also absolved of civil liability. I might be wrong. I hope Hawa who has a
vested interest in the matter will put her brother-in-law on the spot and
ask him to explain the full extent of the Decree.

In any case, the quickest way to bring these people to book, is to get rid
of Yaya. Our salvation does not lie in litigating this piece of thrash
before the Chief Justice that is also a major part of this fraud against the
Gambian people.

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