Hamjatta Kanteh and his analysts! atleast my "junk" was so complicated
foryou that "your cavalier attitude helped your writing analyst receive a
guest talking about bitter paragraphs from an African writer".
Did you realise that you were making more pointsfor me Paul? Ha! Did you
MR.library cobweb? Folks what a list of proofs! Isaid in one of my articles
that Hamjatta rushes to his professors in order to be able to analyse stuff
sent to him from a brain he sees at his distance! What can you see him tell
you now!? That he had rushed to an analyst!!! O! Lord of the universe help
us! help us! help us!

Folks is Sam also denying Grand mother's dream? Ofcousre not!
Is he denyi,g shooting himself? Ofcourse not!
Then Paul will wait to see these guys pour in more
insinuations,fabrications,lies,"salty analysis",before i react and
Mr.Hamjatta be careful because if yu derail the topic to personal attacks i
bet both of us will be ubsubscribed .
you so wish we can as well continue our personal attacks via the private
I feel so guilty  when i see you accusing inoccent people using my name! i
am Paul and i am Paul. You are the one who is really suffering from complex
and not Essa! However, every one on line knows that Essa and Halifa Sallah
are the ones you dislike because they are the ones who
reveal your strategy of "of being a constant text book magnet".
Low graded studnts like you are the ones prefer rumbling here because that
is an easy way of getting rid of your saturated scalp.

These words like complex are the ones you send to others different from
Essa. For a guy like you madness means what stirs up your daily sadness.
Hamjatta we know where your sadness stems from you boyish library cobweb!
Please continue your crusade and bring in all evidences abut me being Essa.
we knwo these strategies now,when it failed in silencing Alieu the next-was
to unilateraly unsubscribe the Keita guy. Are you happy now that you can
"idly" nad in a very self-nominated way parade on the L waiting for the
usualHamjatta that was good one! oh Hamjatta you have the nail!Ha! i believe
the madness fits you more as a megalomaniacthan any person on this forum.

Sam Sarr has contiuesly told you that he knows who these guys are but your
usual reddish fangs of a vampire based in some lonely wood can never drop
without eating a prey!
Paul will eat you up instead!
Believe me or not despite the fact that i do not see eye to with Sam in
certain issues i can bet his intelligence as far as conducting security
opertions in the midst of guys like you is concerned,he  can teach you
Mr.Cobweb! Sam does not fear Essa so if he were to get the clue he would
have raised the flag.Sam had it with Essa directly  months back and so what?

Infact some of us who saw that,asked Essa whether he knew Sam and they had a
problem but the guy(essa) was so honest and he declared that its only two
times that he'd chatted with Sarr in life!
One was in Banjul when he was a protocol officer(was joking his old army
folks including Sam)and the other time was when Sam and a delegation that
included Blaise Jagne and others were transitting via Paris.So indications
are that the only difference thta may exist bet these two are more of
political reasons than personal ONES.
I spoke to Essa on friday and if you wish you can call him yuorself.

So Hamjatta!!!!!! Sam himself has chosen to contiue his topic,please do nto
try distracting us from reacting to his stories,because as an intellectual
Sam himslf should be ready for challenges vis a vis what he is writing on
the L.Unlike others you Hamjatta prefer praises and not challenges and that
is  known to all!

Sam?  Camara at "cent metres" prisons? I ca't believv that but i wil leave
you to complete your story then u"tamby" as sergeant Ousman Jallow would say

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