<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

>I have tried to discuss the diet connection with the parents of a couple
of ADHD children, but they do not seem to be interested.  They cannot
believe that such a simple thing as a change of diet could assist their
children, they seem indoctrinated to the Ritalin aka known as medical

   Not to be disrespectful, but there is nothing "simple" about the GF,
the GF/CF, or the Fiengold diets. These regimens are difficult to follow,
especially for parents who are coping with behavior problems, packing
lunches, attending parent/teacher conferences, spending hours a night on
homework, driving kids to & from activities & usually holding down full
time jobs just to make ends meet. Whew!  It makes me tired just thinking
about it all.  Can anyone blame parents who would opt for a quick fix?
~Valerie, parent of four sons, two of which are ADD