<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear gluten avoiders:

        Some of the responses I received to my inquiry about breakfast
ideas for carb intolerance were actually questions about carbohydrate
intolerance!  LOL!  So I'll post a link to information that describes
the symptoms & gives a diet that works wonders at controlling the
symptoms. This diet has changed my life & enabled me to return to work.
http://www.guaidoc.com/PAGES/hypoglycemia.html and
http://www.guaidoc.com/PAGES/hypoglycemiadiet.html  This is actually a
site for fibromyalgia, but the diet works great for anyone that suffers
with carbohydrate intolerance (sometimes erroneously called
hypoglycemia). With a few modifications it can be GF.  (If these links
don't work, try http://www.guaidoc.com .  You'll get the home page.
Scroll down to the sections on hypoglycemia & the hypoglycemia diet.)

        I was asked by several people to describe my personal symptoms.  If I
eat too many sweets & carbs I have: dizziness, confusion, slurred speech,
fatigue, shakiness, craving sweets, hunger shortly after a meal,
insomnia, nightmares -- it's a real trip!

        From the responses I have received, I've learned that I have a
lot of homework to do & much to learn about this condition.  I have
learned that what I know & seem to understand is just the tip of the
iceberg.  I especially was impressed by the touching experience shared
by Eudene's thoughtful cousin.  At any rate, as a start up measure for
dealing with my current food problems, I bought a great book called "the
ALLERGY self-help cookbook by Marjorie Hurt Jones.  It has over 325
natural foods recipes, free of wheat, milk, eggs, corn, yeast, sugar and
other common food allergens.  (I made my first recipe, the slow cooked
chicken dinner, last evening & it was great!)  I've put myself on a 5
day rotary diet & hoping this can help prevent any further allergies
from cropping up & perhaps help me eventually overcome some of my other

       Thanks to everyone who responded, especially to Eudene's cousin.
~Valerie in TAcoma,WA

Here's the summary:

-"If you go to the DELPHI.com message board, you'll find a list member
who posts some great recipes."

-"You can get ideas from Atkins' cookbooks and a book by Dr Bernstein
"Controlling Diabetes" ... rice cake with organic almond butter for
breakfast..nothing wrong with eating 'dinner foods' [for breakfast]"

-"For breakfast I try to eat some protein with fruit. Normally it's tuna
or some other kind of fish (I broil a lot of fresh salmon and then have
leftovers for breakfast.... sounds icky, but the Japanese eat fish every
morning and they stay healthy)"

-"I eat a lot of nuts for breakfast.
Cashews,macadamia,walnuts,pecans...I also grill a hamburger steak if I'm
home or even a regular steak."

-"soy flour waffle...using whatever binder you are able to use. I like
fruit and nuts for breakfast with a cup of peppermint tea sometimes.
SOmetimes I eat pureed squash and a few refried beans, and strange as it
might sound, it is tasty and filling."

-"This issue of Gluten Free Living,...explains that just as many celiacs
may be lactose intolerant for the first year or two of the diet (till
they learn to avoid the hidden glutens and the gut has a chance to heal)
so some of them may also be intolerant to other disacharrides such as
sucrose and maltose ...once we learn to follow the diet, these cells
will repair, and we will probably be able to digest these sugars again"
[I sure hope so]

-"My cousin Eudene mistook her valium for her birth control pills. She
had 12 kids -- but she doesn't care."

-"Maybe you have other food allergies and it is not carbohydrates. You
can have a reaction up to 3 days after eating something, and it seems
like one food is making you ill, when it was something else that you ate
three days ago!...There is a lab in Fla. that does allergy testing... If
you are interested, call 1-800-684-2231 &  Ask for Lisa Durrow. (I was
extremely ill, and bedridden and wasn't getting any better on the gf
diet, and they literally saved my life!!)."

-"...sweet potatoes...I often have those for breakfast as well as cooked
banana. I also make soups (mainly from boiling the bones of turkey or
chicken for the broth) and adding vegetables, etc.  Works well for

-"Just wondering (WAG) whether you might have candida overgrowth???"
Nope, had it checked out."

-"Go to your library and see if they have any no carbohydrate cooks
books.  You might find a lot of ideas there."

-"However, within the past year and a half I have had Allergy Elimination
Treatments and can now eat everything, have no more asthma, no more hay
fever, no reactions to soy, no reactions to milk products, no reactions
to sugar, no reactions to pollens, no reactions to mold spores, no
reactions to smelly marking pens, etc. All symptoms are gone - no
diarrhea, no DH, no intestinal or stomach gas, no irrational anger, etc.
etc.  All of this is because of a form of Oriental/Alternative Medicine
that includes acupuncture or acupressure.  It is available in most major
cities of the USA and is called NAET.  The acronym stands for Nambudripad
Allergy Elimination Treatment.  There is a web site -   www.NAET.com   -
that will tell you about this. I'm a 70 year old grandmother, life-long
celiac...I have nothing to gain from passing on this information...One
son is also celiac, and has also been cured by NAET."

-"Recently I have found Teramousalta...Greek fish roe that is mushed up
and very tasty.  I spread it on whatever, rice bread or lettuce leaf and
cover with a thick slice of tomato.  I eat anything at breakfast and
usually it is something that I craved the night before. Salmon and
poached eggs with Hollandaise sauce over home fries. Check out other
cultures and see what they consider breakfast you might get some
interesting ideas.  Go for the more tropical areas where that culture can
not grow wheat because it never gets cold enough."

-"I eat what i cooked for dinner the night before for breakfast, that may
be a couple of slices of meatloaf and mixed veggies."

-"Here are some useful links that explain the role of the small
intestinelining in digestion, enzyme and hormone production.  Hormones
produced by the small intestine, in turn, signal the pancreas to produce
still more enzymes and digestive juices.  It's no wonder celiacs have so
many problems with so many foods: http://www.niddk.nih.gov/health/digest/
pubs/digesyst/newdiges.htm http://www.onemedhub.com/onemeddoctor/mybody/
http://ahealthybody.net/Enzymes.shtml "

-"There is a diet for people just like you (and me) who still have
problems /don't improve on a standard GF diet. So if you have already
noticed that you have carb intolerance in general, the problem is
actually not simple carbs but the more complex type of carbs, especially
starchy carbs. There is a low starch diet called the SPECIFIC
CARBOHYDRATE DIET The author is Elaine Gottschall. The book may be
available in your local library(so you can see I'm not selling anything)
It is called  BREAKING THE VISCIOUS CYCLE.  Also check out...
www.scdiet.org  [and]   www.scdiet.com"