<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thank you to everyone for your kind words and input on this situation.
I do want to be sure that she does not have Celiac Disease because I
don't want her to experience what I have gone through.  It would be
horrible for a small child to suffer through stomach pain, diarrhea,
constipation, fatigue etc...

    Many people suggested Dr. Fine's stool tests, it would be nice to
test her in a non-invasive way.  We had her in the hospital when she was
9 months old for severe dehydration and it was very traumatizing for

    Others suggested to take her to a pediatric GI specialist.  I don't
know of any but I'll have to do some research on that to see if I can
find one.  She is due for a doctor visit anyway so I will probably take
her to her pediatrician and mention my concerns.

    My daughter was born a month premature at 4 lbs. 13 oz. but within
the first two weeks she gained a pound and a half and seemed to stay
right at the 5th percentile.  She has now dropped below the 5th
percentile in height and weight.

    Many people said that their young ones seemed fussy and irritable
before diagnosis.  When she was a little baby she would cry for hours
and hours.  She has always been irritable and fussy.  I've noticed a
change in her stools over the past month and I feel that she needs to be
tested.  I'm considering Dr. Fine's testing because of the fact that it
is non-invasive for a small child.

Thanks for your help and support.

Cedar Hills, UT