<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I was looking at the Lundberg Rice site, http://www.lundberg.com and I
discovered that they have an entire section on celiac disease in their new
FAQ at http://www.lundberg.com/products/qceliac.html .  The last question in
the celiac section is

 "I have gluten enteropathy. Which of your products are safe for me to eat?"

Here is their answer:

Rice is one of two grains that do not contain gluten, a substance associated
with Celiac Sprue disease. With the exception of rice and corn, most other
grains (including the wheat, rye, barley, oats, and "ancient grains")
contain gluten, gliadin protein, or a fraction thereof. We recognize that a
number of our customers are gluten intolerant; Lundberg Family Farms is
interested in developing products that contain the most wholesome, highest
quality natural ingredients. To this end, we recently reformulated our rice
syrup making it safe for gluten intolerant individuals to consume. All of
our whole grain rices and blends are by definition gluten free.

We have only four products of our entire line of 75+ products that are not
gluten free, or may have ingredients that could be a problem for the very

Organic Multigrain Rice Cakes Savory Mushroom Quick Brown Pilaf Italian
Herb Risotto Garlic Primavera Risotto Our other products, to the best of
our knowledge based upon the most current research, are gluten-free and
safe for those sensitive to the gliadin protein found in gluten.

It is nice to see manufacturers put gluten-free product information on-line.
I have no affiliation with Lundberg Family Farms, but I do love their
Basmati Rice (long grain rice - smells like popcorn when it cooks), Jubilee
Rice Blend (very flavorful brown rice blend) and brown rice cakes!

Amber Lee