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Here are some suggestions for Hamentashen recipes. Jay

--- Original Message From: "Dorian Cohen" <[log in to unmask]


This recipe originally came from Chabad:

1 cup sugar
1/3 cup oil
1/3 cup shortening
3 eggs
1/2 cup orange juice (adds great flavor)
4 cups flour   (I use Hagman mix except for I use brown rice flour)
3 tsps. baking powder  (I always add extra to recipe amount when baking gf,
   usually another 1/2-1 tsp.)
1 tsp. salt
1-2 tsp xanthan gum  (I use the least amount, others use alot more)
1 egg, beaten
Filling, may be homemade mohn or can use jam or apricot or chocolate chips,
   even peanut butter

Cream sugar, oil and shortening.  Add eggs and juice and mix well.
Blend all dry ingredients and mix with wet ingredients until well mixed.
Form small balls and flatten in palm or on cookie sheet, put a small dab
of desired filling and fold up sides to form the shape of a triangle.
Brush each cookie with beaten egg dough before baking.  Bake at 350
degrees for approx 20 minutes.  If too crumbly add a  bit more gum next
time.  Makes approx 4 dozen hamentaschen.


from Ellen Switkes

4 eggs
1 cup oil
pinch salt
1 t vanilla
1 1/2 cup sugar
4 t. baking powder
4 1/2 cups gf flour or more

Mix all in food processor.  Add more flour is not stiff enough.  Can cool
dough if you wish.  Pinch walnut sized balls, roll and place on greased
cookie sheet.  Not too thin.  Add a dab of filling in center and roll up and
pinch together sides to form triangle shape.  They tend to spread if dough
is not stiff enough.  You can also just make a depression in middle of ball
and fill with jelly to make a thumbprint cookie. Bake at 350 degrees for
10-15 minutes.  Ellen says that the original recipe called for 2 tsp.
xanthan gum but that she omits it with no problem and seldom uses it in her
baking. Good luck with your baking and check the archives for recipes posted
last year, there was one using ground macadamia nuts in the dough and I'm
sure they were great!


This recipe is a slight modification of one by Marsha Holowinko which
was published in the Winter 1994 Lifeline (CSA).

4 eggs
1 t. vanilla (gf)
1 c. oil
1 1/2 cup sugar
1/4 t. salt
2 t. xanthan gum
4 1/2 cups gf flour*
4 t. gf baking powder

*Flour mixture=1 c.  each:  brown rice, white rice and sweet rice flour plus
   1/2 cup potato starch

Cream sugar and oil.  Add eggs.  Blend well.  Blend in vanilla.  Measure
dry ingredients together and then add to wet.  (For some reason it
doesn't work as well if you add the wet to the dry.)  Add dry
ingredients a little at a time, mixing as you go along.  When you can't
mix with a fork any more, use your hands.  Make sure flour is completely
mixed in. Either flour a board and roll with a rolling pin and then cut
out 2 1/2" circles OR (my seven year old's new technique, which I
prefer) make a small (superball size) ball and flatten into a 2 1/2"
circle onto a greased cookie sheet.  Put 1 t. filling** into the center
of the circle. Roll up sides of circle so a triangle is formed and then
pinch the edges together.  Bake at 350 for about 10-15 min.

**FILLING:  You can use canned pie filling (ie.  SOLO, which is gf) or jam
or (my preference) an all-fruit product like Polaner's All-fruit, etc.  Pick
your favorite.

Nancy Dorfman


GF Flour Mix:

1 c. brown rice flour
2/3 c. tapioca flour
2 tsp. xanthan gum
1 c. white rice flour
1/3 c. corn starch
3/4 c. sweet rice flour
1/4 c. potato starch

Make a mix of this and use 2 cups of it (save the rest for something else -
waffles, cones, cookies) in the recipe:

Honey Dough:

2 c. sifted GF flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 shortening, softened
2 eggs
1/2 c. honey

Sift flour, salt and baking powder in a bowl. Make a well in the center and
place shortening, eggs and honey in it. Work together until a dough is
formed. Roll out on a GF floured surface and cut into 4" circles. Place a
heaping tablespoon of filling on each and fold into a triangle shape,
sealing the edges with wettened fingers. Bake at 350 deg. for 20 min or
until browned. Makes about 1 1/2 dozen.


*Poppy Seed*:
1 c. poppy seeds
1/2 c. milk
1/3 c. honey
1/2 tsp. grated lemon rind

Grind poppy seeds or put through food chopper. Combine with milk and honey.
Cook all over low heat, stirring frequently until thick. Stir in the lemon
rind and cool the mixture. Cool a nd fill the dough.

*Nut & Honey*:

1 lb. (1/2kg) ground walnuts
1/2kg (1lb) honey
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 c. sugar
drop of lemon juice

Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil for 2-3
minutes, stirring constantly. Let cool.

Sharon from Haifa


There is a recipe in Lisa Lewis's book "Special Diets for Special Kids" and
the last few times it was made using about 1/3 light bean flour mix, 2/3
hagman flour. Really good!