<<Dogs digest raw meat more quickly and
thoroughly than cooked.  Veggies, otoh, they can't really handle without
cooking/pureeing (or eating it out of an herbivore's stomach!).>>

  I have a 6 yo Shih Tzu who has eaten BARF for the past 4 years. He adores
many cooked vegetables.  During his 1st 2 years of life, I tried every dog
food known, tried feeding him by hand...crawling around the floor carrying
dog food and begging him to eat, lol.

I finally decided to follow info I found in a book by Dr. Richard Pitcairn.
He began eating.  Now, he's a very instinctive eater.  Some days he likes
raw, other days, lightly cooked, and some days he fasts or only eats
carrots.  I let him lead me in feeding him now.  He's a very healthy dog.
