In some Western States of the USA;  Today  March  29th 2001;
a Supermarket called  "Albertsons"  thrives.

Now for all to hear--  they sell "Mariscos".   ---This is a
collection of tiny Octopi, and other Mollusks and "who knows
what"  ---  a  collection  of   Sea Creatures.   (In the
Fish Market Section)   Not  expensive.  full of Vitamins and
really loaded with Minerals!   As  sold,    they seem to be
blanched or slightly cooked.

At  breakfast this morning I was suggesting to my Eighth
Grade Son that he could take some for lunch.   That he could
explain to his friends that this is an Octopus;  then eat it
and-- that this is a clam;  then eat it!  I demonstrated by
chomping down a few of these wild critters.   He was not
impressed and claimed that they needed to be cooked.

Amadeus;   With my apologies;    You may have to go to
Bremerhaven on the Sea to try them.  I eat them both raw and
cooked.  They are like radishes.


Some Dimwit was recently conjecturing that primitives had no
Fish Hooks.   Well in Germany in 1946 when I was there the
primitive German Fishhooks had no "eye"  or circle to tie a
line to.  May I suggest that the Dimwit brigade would have
starved to death in Germany if they had to catch fish that
month to survive!   Fortunately the Germans have developed a
neat little hitch to tie a fish line to the "eyeless" hook.
Maybe the Germans  are better Fishers  than we realize!

May I challenge the Dimwit brigade to tell the list  ten
ways that primitives COULD NOT  --Catch Fish--  as I  am
ready to explain to the Cogent members how it is done!

Regards,   Lorenzo        Still alive at 75!         Love
this list,   as there are a "FEW"  Interesting Members!