----- Original Message -----
From: "Stacie Tolen"
 regarding the use of tanning beds

My acupuncturist recommended that I try tanning, and
> she feels that if I could benefit enough from the tanning it might cause
> to want to spend some time outdoors.
> Thoughts?
> Stacie

I wouldn't recommend anything so artificial as a tanning bed. I've tried
those, too, and I am not convinced of their safety. There might be some
benefit if you are subjected to long periods of overcast conditions where you
live, but to be a true paleo person, the natural way must be preferred. I
suggest you take up some outdoor activity, such as bird watching. This will
make you attuned to your natural surroundings, and make you realize that you
are a part of nature. It is really a matter of feeling good and getting fresh
oxygen into your lungs. Maybe you could join a nudist (naturist) club.

Good luck!