On Tue, 20 Mar 2001, matesz wrote:

> Two comments I have:
> 1.  A high SFA diet may to an extent help a diabetic who has subnormal
> insulin production capacity (possible e.g. Ray Audette), but harm those who
> have normal insulin producing capacity.

This is unclear to me, since if SFA causes insulin resistance it
also causes blood glucose levels to remain elevated longer.

> 2.  In people who are not type I diabetic, a diet providing 20% or more of
> calories in SFAs is likely to promote fat storage, high cholesterol,
> platelet stickiness, low thyroid output, and all other side effects of high
> insulin levels.

However, the diets studied were 47% of energy from carbohydrate.
How significant would this effect be in a diet at a significantly
lower carb intake level?

Todd Moody
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