On Sun, 25 Mar 2001 11:43:52 -0500 siobhan <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> I'm also wondering who decided that aging people need their lives
> improved?

Ardeith writes:
Industries take a very cynical attitude on this....on the one
hand they want to sell all the stuff to keep you looking, if
not feeling, young.....on the other hand, they want the older
people out of the workplace.  They want to sell you the
product to renew vigor, yet don't want you to use that
vigor in the workplace.....they would prefer to hire young
people whom they don't have to pay as much as they
have to pay people with many year's experience......

Siobhan sent:
> Start looking at pharmaceutical companies for the hype on this one,
> guys.  I smell a multi-billion dollar industry.

Ardeith writes:
Of course.....some 30 million women will go through
menopause before 2025 or so......that's 30 million
potential purchasers of hair coloring, wrinkle hiding
creams, hormone pills, uplift bras, and useless vitamin
compounds....yes, I know some vitamin compounds
are very good.....but many present the "vitamin" in
a form that humans can't utilize............

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