Yes, that's about it in a nut shell.  Those are the basics.  Simple, huh?!
That and the "don't worry" is also a major component in a healthy life.....
Stress can "gum up" the works.....  That being said, the major hurdle for
most of us is the "whole" part of the equation.  It's expensive and time
consuming to find those "whole" foods.  We do the best we can and keep on
keepin' on.....

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andy Fernandez"
.  It's all very
> individualized - I think that the best approach is to eat good,
> fresh, whole foods, with lots of lean meat and fish, a variety of
> vegetables, and fruits, nuts, seeds, and plenty of good-quality fats and
> oils.  Beyond that, don't worry about it.