Contact:        Dori Zook
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March 16, 2001

Meatout 2001: Pure Propaganda
Outspoken diet experts say Americans should eat more meat, not less

Boulder, CO - Tuesday, March 20 marks "Meatout 2001," a vegetarian media
campaign urging Americans to give up meat for at least a day.  Organizers
say the purpose "is to help consumers evolve from a destructive,
disease-laden meat-based diet to a wholesome, nonviolent diet of whole
grains, vegetables, and fresh fruits."  But diet experts Michael R. Eades,
MD, and Mary Dan Eades, MD, co-authors of the New York Times bestseller
Protein Power and the recently released Protein Power Lifeplan, warn that
without meat in their diets, Americans are putting their health at risk.

"Humans were designed to eat meat," says Michael Eades.  "It was the
foundation of our diet for more than two million years.  Then, just a few
thousand years ago, we switched to a grain-based diet.  The results have
been devastating.  Since the government and others in the nutritional
establishment have begun promoting a diet higher in grains and other
carbohydrates and lower in fats and proteins, obesity and diabetes have
skyrocketed to epidemic proportions," Michael Eades points out.  "It takes
thousands of generations for a species to evolve."

Michael Eades goes on to say that while Meatout 2001 supporters may have the
best of intentions, they base their claims on shaky science and ignore the
fact that humans were designed to eat meat, not grain.

Meatout 2001 organizers also target what they call the relentless barrage of
meat industry propaganda in schools, from the media and on the streets.

"If anything is propaganda, it's the Meatout 2001 Campaign," according to
Mary Dan Eades.  "As a parent, I'm especially concerned about their goal of
taking meat out of school lunches.  Growing bodies need plenty of complete
protein and the best source is meat.  US school lunches are already
dangerously low in protein.  To replace the precious little meat still found
in the cafeteria with soy would only make things worse.  There's a growing
body of scientific evidence that soy may actually damage the health of
children, especially young boys."

The government already promotes grain over meat, dairy and eggs, citing
since-disproved 'dangers' of fat and cholesterol. Drs. Eades have seen
firsthand what happens when people follow this advice.  Without fat and meat
in their diet, people turn to grains and such carbohydrate-rich vegetables
as corn and potatoes for energy.  Carbohydrates turn to sugar in the
bloodstream, opening the body's insulin floodgates.  Excess insulin, not
fat, is the primary cause of obesity, high cholesterol diabetes, and other
weight-related illnesses, including heart disease.

"Our plan works because humans are omnivores," says Mary Dan Eades.  "This
means they must eat both meat and plant foods to maintain good health.  Yes,
Americans should be eating plenty of healthy vegetables and fruits, but they
also need meat."

Drs. Eades go on to say Meatout 2001's use of celebrity spokespersons is a
dangerous campaign tactic.

"If Americans really want to be healthy they should listen to scientists,
not celebrities" says Michael Eades.

To book an interview or live shot with Drs. Michael and Mary Dan Eades,
contact Dori Zook from the Avrin Public Relations Group at 303.795.9898.
Drs. Michael and Mary Dan Eades are passionate, articulate practicing
physicians and professors whose expertise on health and nutrition has
reached millions by way of both their books and the news media.

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