I keep looking
>for "irritated"  hamburger in the store but do not find it
>as I would like to eat rare or raw burgers.

I am wondering if you mean "irradiated", and if not what is "irritated"
hamburger? Just curious.

>As a child I had many stomach sickness episodes,  but NO
>Refrigerator,   No this No that.  Since 1942 when we got a
>fridge I have seldom suffered stomach upset.
>Regards,  Lorenzo  (still alive at 74)

This may be a misconception, as humans have lived for millenia without
refrigeration. Perhaps it was what you were eating and how it was prepared
which made refrigeration an issue. I may have mentioned this before, but my
nutritionist has been warning folks against eating grain products which have
not been dressed in vinegar or kept at a hot temperature. She says that
bacteria are very fond of grains, it doesn't take long at all for the rice
at a Chinese food restaurant (for example) to be laden with germs. I have
observed that my kids have *not* experienced diarrhea or vomiting in the
past almost-year on paleodiet. Even if they have contact with kids who have
recently had a "stomach bug", my kids are fine. I really think it's the
grains that people should be most worried about as far as foodborne illness
is concerned, not meat.

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