
Welcome aboard!  Here's my two cent's worth on a thing or three:

>1.  Any views on protein powder?  I know its sooo processed but in a fairly
>pure way, perhaps?

If you're talking soy, avoid it.  Go to, enter
the site and click on the "Soy Alert!" link.  You'll see what I mean.  Put
eggs in your coco milk smoothie, either whole eggs or just whites only for
plenty of protein with comparatively little fat (you've already got plenty
of good fat in the coco milk).  It gives the smoothie a wonderful, rich

>4.  Total carbs?  How many carbs can people get away with (given that I'm
>trying to lose my last, very stubborn 7-10lb).  Does all the obsessive carb
>counting become unnecessary when its nuts, fruit etc or do you still have
>watch it?

Watch out with nuts.  The protein:carb:fat ratio is fine, but it's easy to
eat a day's worth of calories in just a few "nibbles" from a bag of nuts.
I, personally, no longer keep them in my house for just this reason.  Sigh.

For some good reads, go to and search under "Loren Cordain"
and "S. Boyd Eaton".  You'll find some great info.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

P.S.  An editor from a London magazine tells me Eades & Eades first book,
"Protein Power", is a hot diet book.  Is this true?
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