*Emphasis added is mine....  Any man or woman who is approaching
andropause/menopause can tell you that they started to "go down hill" and
can pinpoint that time as when "all the problems started".  Those are just
two examples of what I hear about "that time of life". Of the studies
attributing cancer to HRT, I don't see studies being given showing familial
tendencies or the lack of to support the study. Where are the studies
showing how HRT has halted or slowed disease?  It is an endocrine/health and
individual issue.  This is not a morals issue.

----- Original Message -----
> > Siobhan wrote:
that menopause is as natural as puberty.
> > Neither of  these are diseases. > >
> Richard sent:
We are talking about a potential health
> > benefit from HRT in aging people that can lead to a better life if not
> > necessarily a longer one.
> Ardeith writes:
we see it as a normal part of growing .....
and we don't treat it as a disease *unless*
> some *real* medical/physical problem during the change