
Anxiously waiting for the updates.  Thanks and keep it up.



>From: Ebrima Sillah <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: By-Election Update
>Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 15:03:50 +0100
>Hello G-Lers,
>Am sure most of you are indeed hungry for information
>on the by-election in Kaing and Baddibu...well just to
>inform you know that everything is going on normal
>with long queues formed as early as 6am especially in
>Central Baddibu. So far no hitches have been reported
>except for Kaif in Kaing East where the UDP village
>chairman had some angry exchange of words with APRC
>youth wing supporters. The man one Alhagie Fatty
>according to our reporter who is covering the Kaing
>area has now gone to Koliyor to avoid further trouble
>following what our reporter calls repeated pestering.
>Also our reporters are all over the two constituencies
>giving us live reports of unfolding events. Citizen FM
>will also be announcing on the spot of results since
>counting is to be done at polling stations. I will
>keep you posted  when the results start coming
>in....although this may not be instant because i will
>be chairing a discussion programme at 5pm with some
>election experts aand journalists on the two
>by-elections and what the results mean  for the two
>contesting parties. Polls will close at 4pm gmt.
>So watch out!!
>E Sillah.
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