Ok folks- a question here.....after a brief description of the situation...

My car is 15 months old. (Please- I BEG of you- not to ask what model/make  LOL)   It has had 3 recalls, had a transmission leak, and a brake problem already.  Back in November I told them to check the brakes- I heard "Oh the brakes should be fine"...which led me to believe that they did NOT check them.  So this last time I had the car in  - they put new shoes on the brakes- all is well right?  Nope- still makes a horrendous noise not all the time- when I apply the brakes.  (EVERYTHING is under warranty- thatnk God I got the BIG warranty!)

I get the run around and put off- I end up having to leave my car overnight with them for 2 nights- not just 1.  This really gets me mad because I live 45 minutes away and I NEED my car!  They don't do "loaner" cars anymore and I cannot rent a car- and they won't budge on a loaner.

So, my question is.,.... how do I present THIS again to them...obviously they think I am a dumb woman.....   As I cannot afford to keep taking my car in there all the time...(I stay at friend's houses in the city  where I take it but it's getting old- and it's a BIG inconvenience ssince I have a thing called a "job"... as for finding another dealership to do the work..... I have two within a short distance from where I live now.  But I figure that the ones who should have fixed it in the first place and ordered brake shoes/pads and SUPPOSEDLY fixed it- should be the ones to REALLY fix it!  After all, I have told them twice and now will make three times that my brakes STILL MAKE NOISE!

What / who shall I complain to?  What or don't I demand from these morons?  Or do I simply just write a nice (not) letter to that dealership and go elsewhere?


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