Hey Rayna,

My name is Vince.  Been a semi-lurker on this list for years.  Just had to
respond to the paragraph below.

>Mag, I read Zlata's Diary a couple of years ago, I thought it was very
>moving.  What two missing princes, whats the name of the book.  BTW
>don't be too impressed, I read a lot because I have NO social skills
>and people scare the s**t out of me.

I hope you were joking.  Having read all your posts to this list, I can say
without a doubt that you could go far on your wit and charm alone (I'll get
to good looks later..).  Most people aren't born with such talent, you must
have learned somewhere.  I wish people I know had half the people skills you
do.  I'll bet, that you are cute too!  I told you I'd get to the good looks
part..  ;-)

As for people people scaring the crap out of you, I understand.  There are
all manner of human, some are frightning for sure.  If we, as disabled
people, choose to hide from such people, rather then live life in spite of
them, then we become another kind of person.  The tragic kind of person. I
can't see anyone on this list choosing to live like that.  If they did, why
are they on the best list on the web, this one.

I'm finished ranting now.



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