Setting self up - yayyayya  I know.......

ok sis- when they come up with the REVERSE process, then give me a holler!  lol

On Thu, 15 March 2001, Rayna Lamb wrote:

> Saw this in the paper yesterday, it's nice to know that science has
> its priorities right!!!
> More than 10,00 women are said to be ready to invade British shops
> this morning to get their hands on the latest in anatomical
> engineering - the Gossard Ultrabra Airotic.  Made from fine net fabric
> and equipped with dual cresent-shaped airbags, the undergarment can
> allegedly be pumped up to improve cleavage by two cup sizes.
> According to Gossard spokeswoman Christine Morgan, the new bra has
> enormous appeal because it is a safe and practical alternative to
> breast enhancement surgery.  "Many women don't want to have huge
> breasts during the day, but they want them in the evening", she says.
> The rubber pump that makes the transformation is so small that it fits
> into a handbag, allowing women to blow up their bra at any time of the
> day or night.

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