<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

My doc has approved (based on my moderately elevated levels of IgG) the
use of the stool test by Dr. Kenneth Fine (Enterolab).  Dr. Fine worked
for 10 years at UT Southwestern (my old stomping grounds).  I researched
his background  and work with doctors on staff there that I know
personally. They agreed that this is a good route to go instead of the
biopsy.  They said that they feel  in the future this will become the
standard for testing.

I talked with Dr. Fine today via email and he says based on my blood
tests he already considers me gluten intolerant.  However, he said I
could go ahead with the malabsorption test and the intestional IgA
antibodies.    I've read through this website but I'm still confused
about Celiac and have questions.  Can you be gluten intolerant and not
have Celiac?  What is the difference?  If you are gluten intolerant and
don't have Celiac "disease" does that mean you can eat gluten
"sometimes".  Is Dr. Fine saying that I have Celiac disease? This is all
so complicated to my "little" mind.  Thanks very much in advance for
your help.

DFW area (Texas)