<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Educational Lobbying with NIAMS Coalition

The Coalition of Voluntary and Professional Associations Concerned with
thePrograms of the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and
SkinDiseases (NIAMS).

Join the Gluten Intolerance Group (GIG) in Washington DC, March 27, 2001 to
help spread the word to congress about dermatitis herpetiformis and gluten
intolerance. We attend the NIAMS as part of the Coalition of Patient
Associations for Skin Disease Research (CPASDR). Like the Digestive Disease
National Coalition (DDNC) Public Policy Forum, on March 19, we are here to
influence the decisions National Institute of Health (NIH) will make
regarding designation of research funding.

Numbers count! The impact of a large group of people with one disease has
profound impact on awareness. This is how some disease groups caught the
attention of NIH, DDNC and NIAMS.

The following information is sent from NIAMS Coalition.

Register Now for the NIAMS Coalition Capitol Hill Day (celebrating the 15th
Anniversaryof NIAMS)

Tuesday March 27, 2001

NIAMS Coalition Day is scheduled for Tuesday, March 27, 2001 in the Gold Room
of the RayburnHouse Office, Room 2168. The evening reception, which will
begin at 5:30p.m., will be held in the Rayburn Foyer.

NIAMS Coalition Capitol Hill Day
Rayburn House Office Building, Gold Room, Room 2168

8:30           Registration/ Continental Breakfast (GF selection will be
9:00           Welcome and Opening Remarks
9:10           Report by Stephen Katz, MD Director NIAMS
9:40           Remarks from Ralph Regula, Chairman, House Labor, HHS
                  Appropriations Committee (invited) Remarks from Morton
                  Kondracke (invite)
10:15          Briefing for Capitol Hill
10:30          Depart for Capitol Hill visits
12:00          Lunch (meal to be GF)
12:30          Briefing on FY2002 Budget & Appropriations Outlook by Mike
                  Stephens, House Appropriations Committee
1:15           Depart for Capitol Hill Meetings with members of the House &
                  Senate Appropriations & Budget Committees
3:00 -- 5:00   Debriefing Opportunity
5:00 -- 7:00   15th Anniversary Reception for NIAMS. NIAMS Public Service
                  to be given to Senator Tom Harkin

Need to Know:

Capitol Hill Visits -- This year, we will make all of your appointments for
you. We will hire a temporary employee to make all the appointments, so it is
imperative that you send in your registration promptly!

There will be two sets ofCapitol Hill visits during the day a " the morning
sessions will  give you the opportunity to meet with legislators from your
home state. The afternoon visits will enable you to meet members of the
Budget and Appropriations Committees.

Meeting Materials -- you will receive 2 additional mailings prior to
your participation in the meeting. You will receive a letter containing
your registration confirmation, the FY 2002 NIAMS Fact sheet, the
Research Advances and Opportunities Fact Sheet, and information on
making Capitol Hill Visits a " including who is your Capitol Hill Team
Leader and a list of your scheduled meetings. You will also be sent a
NIAMS packet containing a wealth of information about the institute and
its work. (Note from GIG: **Materials about gluten intolerance (CD/DH)
will be added to the packets in DC.**)

Hotel Accommodations:  A block of rooms has been reserved in the name of
the NIAMS Coalition at the Hotel George for the night preceding the
meeting, March 26th and a smaller number of rooms for those who would
like to attend the NIAMS Anniversary Reception and depart Washington on
the morning of the 28th. The hotel is 1-1/2 blocks from Union Station
and 3 blocks from Capitol Hill. Rates are $199 for singles and $224 for
doubles, plus 14.5% District of Columbia sales tax. Please refer to
group number 2681 when makingreservations.

Hotel:                 Hotel George
Address:               15 E St., NW, WashingtonDC
20001 Reservations:    800-576-8331 or www.hotelgeorge.com
Group Number:          2681
Registration Deadline: March 5, 2001

Register Now! Complete the registration form. Include a check for $45
registration fee made out to AADA. The registration fee is for printed
materials, and meals on the day of the meeting. Please send in your
registration form as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you on March

                            NIAMS COALITION

The Coalition of Voluntary andProfessional Associations Concerned with the
Programs of the National Instituteof Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin
Diseases (NIAMS)


1.     _____ YES!           I plan to attend the NIAMS Coalition Day and
Capitol Hill Visits on March 27,2001 in Washington DC

Name (to appear on Nametag):       _________________________________________

Organization:          _______Gluten IntoleranceGroup_______________________

Address:                ____________________________________________________


Phone:            ________________________            Fax: _________________

Email:                 _____________________________________________________

2.     Please list your members of Congress below so that wecan make an
appointment for you; you will also have appointments with membersof the
Appropriations and Budget Committees:

My Senator:   __________________________

My Senator:   __________________________

My Rep:       __________________________

3.     _____ YES!! I will attend the evening reception.

4.     Mail to:
CherylA. Hayden
American Academy of DermatologyAssociation
1350 I St, NW Suite 880
Washington DC 20005
Fax: 202-842-4355; Phone:202-842-3555;
Email: [log in to unmask]

Submitted by:
Gluten Intolerance Group (GIG)
15110 10th Ave SW, Suite A
Seattle, WA 98166-1820
Telephone:  206-246-6652
Fax: 206-246-6531
Website:    www.gluten.net
Email:        [log in to unmask]
Executive Director: Cynthia Kupper, C.R.D.

Seattle, WA