<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks for all the responses I will eat it again and see how I feel.  Below
are the responses

****You can have annato color if it doesn't make you react.  Anatto like soy
causes a "gluten-like" reaction in SOME people but not all.  It does not
contain gluten.

****Heather, the warning about annato is another one of those baseless
warnings from CSA. All other celiac orgs say it's OK. Scott Adams' site
has a very good list of everything and what is OK and what is not. He's
very knowledgeable and I trust it implicity. I printed off the forbidden
section and carried it in my wallet for the first two  years till I had
pretty well learned everything. -vance


***There is no gluten in Annatto. It is perfectly safe for celiacs.

***Yes, it is a vegetable source.

***I have always heard it is OK and I don't have any negative reaction

*****I, too, have seen annato on the safe/unsafe lists.  I choose to not
that limit me if everything else in the ingredient list is safe.  I have
had no problems.  This is my choice.