On Sat, 10 Feb 2001, Marisa Berntson wrote:

> I guess it would work for Maine/Maryland type clam cakes, which are more
> like bready clam patties... however good old RI clamcakes are made with a
> batter with huge clam pieces and then dropped in a deep fryer, turning out
> like clam dough balls.

Many years ago, when I worked in a chowder house in nearby N.
Attleboro ("Jolly Cholly's"), that batter was referred to by the
owner as "liquid gold", because the stuff was so cheap to make,
and the markup was so steep.

In any case, I think you're right.  There's no way to make them

> *sigh* no clam cakes, no coffee milk, no Dell's.... what's a
> girl to do??

No Del's?  NO DEL'S?  If I'm in RI on a hot enough summer day I
just have a Del's, paleo be damned.  Of all the things on the
list, Del's (a sort of slushy lemonade, for the uninitiated) is
the least objectionable from a paleo point of view.  Lemon juice,
sugar, and ice.  All ingredients are paleo, although of course
the sugar is concentrated in a way that was unknown in ancient
times.  I had a Del's last summer at Water-Fire in Providence, so
that was my allowance for 2000.  Looking forward to 2001's.

Todd Moody
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