On Mon, 12 Feb 2001 17:07:34 -0400 matesz <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> There are many herbs that can be used to help to rebalance a woman's
> hormones, herbs that cost must less than drugs and do not have the
> side effects.  I know of a handful of women who have taken estrogen
> replacement therapy and then ended up developing cancer.

Ardeith writes:
Yes...no argument from me here.  I just find all the advertising
that pushes HRT to be irritating....treating a natural process
as a disease.....I mean, how many doctors and drug companies
would push a therapy to stop a girl from experiencing menarche?
Answer.....none.   But on the other end of the scale, women are
supposed to dread menopause and have all sorts of awful
problems with it.....and spend lots of money preventing it?
What kind of sense is that?

Now, I have a serious question for all of you.......what's
wrong with soy?     I'm suspicious of it because it must
be highly processed to be safe to eat (or so I've read)
and because it is so widely "recommended" for women
....especially for menopausal women.....some sort of
'natural' estrogen?  or what?    I know many people
are allergic to soybeans and other soy products.  But
I've been asked what's wrong with soy, and I can't
formulate a coherent answer, or find web sites that
can supply answers...........Saying that I won't use
it anymore than I will use aluminium cookware, just
doesn't answer the question......Help?????

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