Hello, All.....
I started this PF process because I was fed up with becoming
lethargic after eating breads or cereals or pasta in any form.
And it worked......no grains - no drowsiness.   But I am
having a quite different reaction to meats now......two hamburger
patties and salad for lunch....the lethargy returns.   What's
up with this?    The salad was leaf lettuce, tomato, and cuke....
with an olive oil dressing....nothing I can see there to make me
sleepy.    Could it be the beef?   I reacted the same way to
a couple of pork chops.     Maybe I'm eating too much meat
at one time......maybe I should "munch" my way through my
days without setting down to a "meal".......Advise?

Also....what do you all know about hyperinsulemia (sp?)
Is there some connection?   One source I read said that
Type II diabetes should be called hyperinsulemia....Huh?
I had a GTT for diabetes last summer and the doctor said
I was not diabetic but hyperinsulemic.......what the heck
does that mean?   He never could explain it in simple
terms........does all this mean I'm doomed to become
diabetic as my father is?

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