>From:    ardeith l carter <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Predators.......
>I've been waiting for someone to mention the way
>wolves and other predators eat the stomachs of their
>prey, including the contents of those stomachs.....
>usually grasses or other browse.....which have been
>partially digested by the prey animal.    Do you suppose
>our paleo ancestors did the same?
My response:

When Weston Price visited the North AMerican Natives, he witnessed their
practice of eating the second stomach lining of the moose.  This protected
them from scurvy during the long winter when berries and fresh shoots were

Many Plains Indians would kill the bison and savor the intestines which were
filled with partially digested grasses.  They would clean the intestines and
restuff them with the  fermented greens, bison fat  and ground meat, making
what would probably be considered a paleo version of  sausage.  These links
were then grilled over an open fire.  For more on this, I recommend a great
book entitled, THE WAYS OF MY GRANDMOTHERS by Beverly Hungry Wolf.
Interstingly enough, my friend grew up in a very ethnically Italian
neighborhood in NYC.  She says one of the specialties of the local butcher
shops is "spring" pork sausage which contains pork, coriander and dandelion
or rabe greens.


Judy Genova, cavegirl

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