Ro asked:
Btw, (let the itty bitty questions begin), does anyone know if these new
fruit and veggie washes I've seen advertised are healthy or paleo?

To which I reply:
My mother in law sent me some OrganiClean...YUCK!!!! It smells like
detergent, it burns my throat if I inhale it. I really like Healthy Harvest
fruit and vegetable rinse (203) 245-2033, can get it prediluted in spray
bottle or can get a small bottle of concentrate for refilling the bottles.
Bottles are perfect size to reuse for plants, hair, household cleaner,
anything you wish. Labels remove very easily, and you can write on the
bottle with permanent marker. Good recycling! :-)

The thing I like best about this is that the broccoli tastes great after
washing with the rinse, and there is NO funky smell or aftertaste (unlike
with the kind sold in conventional supermarkets, AKA Poison Grand


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