Rachel wrote:

>Recently, the multi-national giant Monsanto spent millions of dollars
>developing recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH), marketed as a >tool
>for increasing milk output.  Monsantoıs expenditures were not >limited to
>legitimate research and development.  In the fall  of >1993, the 6,000
>member Physicianıs Committee for Responsible Medicine >reported that
>Monsanto gave $30, 000 to the American Medical >Association to fund a
>television program promoting rBGH milk.   >Monsanto also gave $100, 000 to
>the American Dietetic Association >(ADA)and in return the ADA ran an
>³education² hotline doling
>out positive information about the hormone. (15)   Thus these
> >organizations are acting as advertisers for Monsanto and cannot be
> >trusted to give accurate information about rBGH.

Amen, sister! Monsanto was one of the primary sponsors of the ADA's
conference in Denver last fall; they gave out hundreds of Equal tote bags.
They were everywhere.  It creeped me out.

Meanwhile, a major wheat producer (the name of which escapes me, sorry) had
an ad run within minutes of Mike Eades' appearance on "The O'Reilly Factor".
  People say the news media's been "bought out" by sponsors, but not in
full.  Think about it; "The O'Reilly Factor, bought to you by Wheat-o-rama,
Inc." followed by "Joining us now is Mike Eades, author of "Protein Power
Lifeplan" who says the government's making us fat in an effort to make wheat
producers rich. Mike, is that true?"  "Yes it is, Bill..."  That's pretty
much what happened.  Kudos to O'Reilly for having the testicular fortitude
to run the segment when he did.

Nothing but ill will to Monsanto for everything THEY do.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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