>Does she have anything interesting to say about saturated fats,
>or does she just say that they are evil?

Ooo, this is fun. And I quoth:" There are evolutionary reasons for every
aspect of why we are so intricately intwined with food, including why ...
saturated fat is a dietary poison to our bodies..."
She does advocate game over raised meats for their better ratio of saturated
to polyunsaturated fat. She also doesn't believe that cholesterol has a part
in heart disease, stating "While dietary cholesterol has been linked to an
increased risk of developing heart disease, it is likely that it is not so
much the cholesterol as it is the high amount of saturated fat in the same
For proper protein and iron intake she advocates eating only "skinless
poultry breast, fish, shellfish, wild game, and legumes. Choose only
fat-free milk products. This will reduce saturated fats to about 6 percent
of total calories, which is in tune with our original diets".

Looks pretty much like "evil" to me. Then again, another quote that should
sound familiar:"If your diet is composed mostly of foods rich in omega-3
fatty acids and MUFA's, your SFA intake will be regulated as a side effect.
If you choose to regularly eat commercially produced grain-fed beef,
chicken, and pork, try to limit yourself to the leanest cuts of these meats.
Don't eat the skin on your chicken or turkey. Trim visible fat as much as
possible. Buy low-fat ground beef. Ideally, your meat selections would
consist of fresh fish, wild game, and range-fed animals such as bison
(buffalo), emu, and longhorn cattle." (NT, p 67)

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